William-Sonoma Table with Beam Legs - No Chairs (Delivery Available) in Yonkers, New York

William-Sonoma Table with Beam Legs - No Chairs (Delivery Available)
Price: $100
Type: Furniture, For Sale

Here's a modern farm table with thick, beam like legs. I was told its a William-Sonoma. Although there are no markings, its quality construction makes me believe its true. Very stable. The massive legs sit on felt pads to protect your floors. Nice details on them too. In good condition, although top needs to be finished. It would provide a great backdrop for entertaining.
Chairs are no longer available. They were SOLD.
Dimensions: 60" Wide x 36" Deep x 30" High
To see my other listings, go to http://www.ebayclassifieds.com/user/MM914
Curbside delivery available within NYC metro area for a small fee.
Cash/PayPal accepted. No checks or eCheck.
I'm a Verified Seller on PayPal.
A Verified seller has provided additional evidence of their identity to PayPal by passing key security checks and completing the PayPal Verification process.

City: Yonkers  Zip code: 10707 Category: Furniture
Furniture in Yonkers for sale

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