Vintage Bamboo Lounge Chairs, Sofa and Ottoman (Delivery Available) in Yonkers, New York

Vintage Bamboo Lounge Chairs, Sofa and Ottoman (Delivery Available)
Price: $200
Type: Furniture, For Sale

Vintage Bamboo Lounge Chairs, Sofa and Ottoman available. Mid-century, Asian inspired design. Note the pagoda arms. Well constructed and sturdy, but could use some TLC. If repainted in black satin or any color really, this set would be stunning. Worth the trouble or use as is. Needs cushions.
Includes 2 chairs, a sofa and an ottoman. Can be used indoors or outdoors.
Curbside delivery available within NYC metro area.
Cash/PayPal accepted. No checks or eCheck.
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Keywords: bamboo, rattan, wicker, patio, living room, oriental

City: Yonkers  Zip code: 10707 Category: Furniture
Furniture in Yonkers for sale

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