Vintage 60s/70s Dinette, 4 Chairs (Delivery Avail) in Yonkers, New York

Price: $380
Type: Furniture, For Sale

Here's a very stylish dinette with its smoked glass top, metal base, and acrylic and vinyl chairs from the late 60s or early 70s. In good condition, especially considering it's about 45 years old.
These are the original chairs. Vinyl is in good condition overall, but needs some cleaning. No rips, swivels smoothly, and are sturdy with a great base. There are a few cracks in the acrylic, but almost unnoticeable. Smoked table top has no chips, but has a few light scratches.
Approx. Dimensions: 42" x 60" x 29" high
Thickness: 1/4"
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Curbside delivery available within NYC metro area for a small fee.
Cash/PayPal accepted. No checks or eCheck.
I'm a Verified Seller on PayPal.
A Verified seller has provided additional evidence of their identity to PayPal by passing key security checks and completing the PayPal Verification process. Verification increases the overall security of the PayPal network because most buyers prefer to do business with Verified sellers.
Keywords: vintage, mid-century, retro, chromantic, vinyl, americana, usa, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, industrial age, atomic age, modern, chromcraft, dining, conference, chairs, Lucite, MM914

City: Yonkers  Zip code: 10707 Category: Furniture
Furniture in Yonkers for sale

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