Knoll Ricchio Arm Chairs (Delivery Available) in Yonkers, New York

Knoll Ricchio Arm Chairs (Delivery Available)
Price: $180
Type: Furniture, For Sale

These mid-century modern styled armchairs are in very good condition. Made by Knoll and designed by Joe and Linda Ricchio. No labels. The beech frames are a rich golden hue and the fabric is original. $180 for the pair. $100 each.
HEIGHT: 32.25 in.
WIDTH: 21.5 in.
DEPTH: 23.5 in.
Curbside delivery available within NYC metro area.
Cash/PayPal accepted. No checks or eCheck.
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City: Yonkers  Zip code: 10707 Category: Furniture
Furniture in Yonkers for sale

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