Extra Long Mid-Century Modern Bamboo Sofa in Yonkers, New York

Price: $350
Type: Furniture, For Sale

Here's a true mid-century rarity, a bamboo set with modern lines. This bamboo sofa has style and is very well made. Manufactured by the Ficks Reed Company. The bamboo frame is thick and sturdy, rattan woven seats are in excellent condition.The original coverings are not in terrible shape either, but they can use a cleaning and their foam replaced, or have them reupholstered to your taste. Two sofas of the same size are available.
Priced to sell at $350 each. (firm)
Dimensions: 88? × 30?
Curbside delivery available within NYC metro area for a small fee.
Cash/PayPal accepted. No checks or eCheck.
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City: Yonkers  Zip code: 10707 Category: Furniture
Furniture in Yonkers for sale

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